Navigating a New Definition on Green Hydrogen Production
Green hydrogen has emerged as a promising contender in the race to decarbonize our energy systems – including energy storage, heavy industry and hard to abate sectors, maritime shipping, and aviation. Now, it can be produced with zero greenhouse gas emissions.
Climate Tech Break: Understanding Emissions Scopes
EPA Scopes have created a framework for a path forward on reducing emissions, and investors are following the lead. Investment areas are concentrated, for now, on Scopes 1 and 2. These scopes cover greenhouse gases (ghgs) from sources owned or controlled by a federal agency to ghgs resulting from generation of electricity, heat or steam purchased by a federal agency. Scope 3 is tackling ghgs from sources not owned or directly controlled by a federal agency but related to activities. This means transportation, business air travel, commuting, contracted solid waste and wastewater are covered.