The IRA - The Biggest Climate Spending Bill in History - Turned Two This Year and Now Faces an Uncertain Future
If Congress and the White House change hands, many are assuming there will be changes to the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). While amendments are possible, a lot of money is already out the door, and business is booming for the clean energy transition.
Understanding the Key Policies That Will Shape America’s Approach to Critical Minerals
In order to reach 2050 climate goals to enable the clean energy transition and scale critical mineral mining in a sustainable way, the US will have to up it's game and increase international cooperation at the same time. A delicate dance.
Extreme Weather Tops 2023 Trending News – What’s Needed in the New Year to Tackle Climate Change-Driven Disasters?
Silverline’s in-house climate scientist and Emmy-winning meteorologist takes a look at the impact of extreme weather. From farms to the insurance companies, weather is the topic of the year and the conversation will continue without climate solutions.
Unstoppable Growth: The Inflation Reduction Act’s One-Year Anniversary
From campaign trail promises to final enacted legislation, those of us in the energy community have been thrilled for the boost that the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) has provided American business. As we look back on and celebrate the one-year anniversary of this landmark legislation, there are many milestones to acknowledge and many opportunities on the horizon.
Chemistry for Cleantech: Unleashing the Power of the Periodic Table
Led by our esteemed Silverline Advisory Council member, Peter Kelly-Detwiler, with participation from Silverline’s cleantech innovators network, “Chemistry for Cleantech: Unleashing the Power of the Periodic Table” guided webinar guests through the underlying chemistry and technology innovation driving the fight against climate change.
Meet the Top 12 Climate Journalists Leading the Conversation in 2023
Through their climate reporting, these 12 journalists have made a profound impact on the Silverline team and on their readers, providing valuable insights, uncovering truths, and driving public discourse. They illuminated the pressing challenges and transformations presented by the global climate crisis.
April Showers Are Intensifying as Climate Change Continues to Amplify Extreme Weather
One increasingly hot topic at the Society of Environmental Journalists annual conference is connecting extreme weather and climate change, which also served as a panel topic. Team Silverline is fortunate to have its own meteorologist, account manager, and climate expert Brad Carl, who shares his expertise on recent extreme weather. This month we witnessed a “1000-year flood” overtake Fort Lauderdale, Florida with 88 billion gallons of water falling in one day. As cited in The Washington Post’s coverage of the event, that rainfall is equivalent to the drinking water consumed by the entire U.S. population in nearly 1.5 years! If that doesn’t put things into perspective, does 13,600 Statues of Liberty filled with water do the trick?
The Impact of Newsroom DEI on Climate Coverage
Silverline was in Boise, Idaho this month at the Society of Environmental Journalists’ 2023 Conference, which features an intriguing session on “How To Be an Ally for Environmental Journalists of Color,” moderated by The Uproot Project Director Lucia Priselac. The topic aligns with Silverline’s core values and commitment to diversity and inclusion. In fact, we recently published a comprehensive report on influential Black Leaders in Energy & Cleantech that seeks to elevate the valuable voices and perspectives of key leaders in this space.
A Cultural Narrative Approach to Climate Change
Earth Day 2023 finds many of America’s top environmental and energy reporters gathering in Boise, Idaho for the annual conference of the Society of Environmental Journalists (SEJ). This yearly event brings together journalists from across the climate landscape to discuss the challenges of serving as the proverbial canary in the coal mine about our changing climate. One topic of growing interest is covering climate issues through a cultural lens, whether through music, television or art – all this as our ever-changing environment and emerging technologies generate new interest in this important topic.