Extreme Weather, Climate Change, Storms Brad Carl Extreme Weather, Climate Change, Storms Brad Carl

Extreme Weather Tops 2023 Trending News – What’s Needed in the New Year to Tackle Climate Change-Driven Disasters?

Silverline’s in-house climate scientist and Emmy-winning meteorologist takes a look at the impact of extreme weather. From farms to the insurance companies, weather is the topic of the year and the conversation will continue without climate solutions.

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April Showers Are Intensifying as Climate Change Continues to Amplify Extreme Weather

One increasingly hot topic at the Society of Environmental Journalists annual conference is connecting extreme weather and climate change, which also served as a panel topic. Team Silverline is fortunate to have its own meteorologist, account manager, and climate expert Brad Carl, who shares his expertise on recent extreme weather. This month we witnessed a “1000-year flood” overtake Fort Lauderdale, Florida with 88 billion gallons of water falling in one day. As cited in The Washington Post’s coverage of the event, that rainfall is equivalent to the drinking water consumed by the entire U.S. population in nearly 1.5 years! If that doesn’t put things into perspective, does 13,600 Statues of Liberty filled with water do the trick?

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COP27, Climate Change Team Silverline COP27, Climate Change Team Silverline

Climate Tech Break: What We’re Watching at COP27

Next week world leaders, media and advocacy groups will gather in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, for COP27, which will focus on several different topics covering the global south, as well as the rest of the world. The conference will cover themes from finance to agriculture, gender, biodiversity, and conclude with civil society. In addition to these themes, we will be tracking other topics.

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Climate Tech Break: Climate Month 2022

September could be called Climate Month 2022, as those working in the climate space navigated accessing the federal funding provided by the Inflation Reduction Act while attending ClimateWeekNYC and RE+ in Anaheim. Silverline leaders share insights after participating in both events, with an emphasis on clean energy in buildings and infrastructure, the happy marriage of solar and energy storage, and environmental justice.

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Our Take on the Inflation Reduction Act

After decades of wrangling over climate legislation, policymakers have created a historic and far-reaching clean energy package that will determine our future as Americans and global citizens. Silverline President and industry veteran Laura Taylor weighs in on what that means for our clean energy communications agency.

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