Climate Tech Break: Sunny Forecast for Climate Tech Reporting (Episode 3)

We're tracking how TV meteorologists are increasingly talking about climate change in their newscasts.

Broadcast meteorologists are helping viewers understand how the changing climate impacts their local communities, and why finding climate solutions is so critically important.

In this episode, Silverline’s Brad Carl reports on this trend from the American Meteorological Society’s Broadcast Conference.

  • I'm Brad Carl with Silverline, a leading PR agency focused on the exciting developments in decarbonization, and sustainability.

    The time is now for clean energy and bold solutions. And this is your Climate Tech Break.

    TV meteorologists across the country had been increasingly talking about the impacts of climate change and their newscasts, and we really do love to see it.

    Broadcast meteorologists are helping viewers to understand how the changes in our climate impact their local communities, and why it's so critical to find and build solutions.

    I attended this year's American Meteorological Society’s Broadcast Conference in Milwaukee. And as a former TV meteorologist and climate reporter, I had a chance to present on the importance of covering clean energy and climate tech solutions, and it was well received and timely, to say the least.

    There's an acknowledgement from this group that we've reached a tipping point, a large majority of folks across the country agree that the climate is changing. Now it's more a question of what do we actually do about it. For broadcasters, that's a golden opportunity to cover a highly impactful story, and show how we truly tackle climate change at the scale required with these innovations.

    Now, this coverage of clean energy and climate solutions is just starting to get going and broadcast newsrooms. But there's plenty of interest in highlighting these stories and taking it to the next level. As I heard repeatedly at this conference, broadcasters are increasingly getting support from viewers, consultants and company management to pursue this coverage of climate and clean energy. They deal with jobs, entrepreneurs, and show how local folks are making a difference in the world. And of course, millennials and Gen Z are eager to hear more about what will help fix our planet, too.

    Since meteorologists have a deep understanding and passion for science. I mean, we are pretty nerdy in that regard. They can effectively take these complicated topics and solutions and make them simple enough for viewers to understand. And we at Silverline look forward to working with the science focus broadcasters to help tell our clients’ unique stories, showing how their innovations can put our society on the right track — certainly a more sustainable one for our planet. From Silverline Studios. I'm Brad Carl - Power through the week.

Team Silverline

Silverline is an award-winning specialized team of communications professionals focused on the clean energy transition. We are proud to represent the innovators and influencers driving real change.

Climate Tech Break: Climate Month 2022


Climate Tech Break: What the IPCC 2022 Report Means (Episode 2)